Legal notice

At, in compliance with international laws on information services and electronic commerce, we are committed to transparency and for this reason we inform you that:

Its company name is: Jessica Gerdel
Her registered office is in: Buenos Aires, Argentina and Vienna, Austria
Her social activity is: Tango Argentino and Yoga teacher

Our conditions

These General Conditions regulate the use (including mere access) of the web pages that conform, including the content and services made available on them. Any person who accesses the portal (“User”) agrees to submit to the General Conditions in force at any time of the portal.

The purpose of our website

The services provided by are educational services.
This legal notice (hereinafter, the “Legal Notice”) regulates the use of the website:

What do we expect from our users?

The access and/or use of this website attributes the condition of User to the user, accepting, from this very moment, fully and without reservation, this Legal Notice, as well as the particular conditions that, where appropriate, complement, in relation to certain services and contents of the website.

The User is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with Jessica Gerdel.

In this way, the user agrees to use the website, its services and content without violating current legislation, good faith and public order. The use of the website for illegal or harmful purposes, or that, in any way, may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website is prohibited. Regarding the contents of this site, it is prohibited:

Its reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, unless you are authorized by its legitimate owners;
Any violation of the rights of the provider or of the legitimate owners;
Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.

Information we collect from our users and for what purpose we use it:

On the website there is the possibility of subscribing to a Newsletter to receive the news published in different ways:

Content subscription forms: within the web there are several forms to activate the subscription. Look in your email inbox. You will need to confirm your subscription so that we can validate your email address. We will use the data provided to send you our Newsletter and keep you updated on news and specific offers, exclusively for subscribers.
Contact form: There is also a contact form for questions, suggestions or professional contact. In this case, the email address will be used to respond to them.

You can unsubscribe at any time from the services provided by in the same Newsletter.

Your information is protected in accordance with our privacy policy and terms of service which follows the GDPR regulations. By activating a subscription, you understand and agree that:

From the moment you subscribe, has access to: Username and email, forming a file stored under the name “WEB USERS”.

In any case, Jessica Gerdel reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the portal as well as these General Conditions or the corresponding Particular Conditions.

Commitments and obligations with our users

The access and/or use of this website attributes the condition of User to the user, accepting, from this very moment, fully and without reservation, this Legal Notice in relation to certain services and contents of the Website.

When using the portal, the User undertakes not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of Jessica Gerdel or third parties or that could damage, disable or overload the portal or that prevents, in any way, the normal use of the portal.

Commitments and obligations with our users
The access and/or use of this website attributes the condition of User to the user, accepting, from this very moment, fully and without reservation, this Legal Notice in relation to certain services and contents of the Website.
When using the portal, the User undertakes not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of Jessica Gerdel or third parties or that could damage, disable or overload the portal or that prevents, in any way, the normal use of the portal.

Jessica Gerdel takes reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, the User must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore, Jessica Gerdel cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in computer systems. (software and hardware) of the User or in their electronic documents and files contained therein.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

Through these General Conditions, no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred over the portal or over any of its component elements, the User being expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, public communication, making available to the public, extracting , reuse, forwarding or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user knows and accepts that the entire website, containing but not limited to the text, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation thereof), photographs, audiovisual material and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyright and other registered legitimate rights, in accordance with international treaties on the matter.

External Links

The pages of the website may provide links to other websites and content owned by third parties. The sole purpose of the links is to provide the User with the possibility of accessing said links, although Jessica Gerdel does not offer or market, by herself or through third parties, the information, content and services available on the linked sites, nor does she approve, supervise or control in any way the contents and services and any material of any nature existing in them. Jessica Gerdel is not responsible in any case for the results that may be derived to the User by accessing said links.

The User who intends to establish any technical link device from his website to the portal must obtain the prior written authorization of Jessica Gerdel. The establishment of the link does not imply in any case the existence of relations between Jessica Gerdel and the owner of the site where the link is established, nor the acceptance or approval by Jessica Gerdel of its contents or services.

We care about your information: Our Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy

Jessica Gerdel undertakes to use the data included in the files, to respect its confidentiality and to use it in accordance with its purpose, as well as to comply with its obligation to save it and adapt all measures to avoid alteration, loss , treatment or unauthorized access.

The User guarantees that the personal data provided through the form is true, being obliged to communicate any modification of the same. Likewise, the User guarantees that all the information provided corresponds to his real situation, that it is updated and accurate. In addition, the User undertakes to keep their data updated at all times, being solely responsible for the inaccuracy or falsity of the data provided and for the damages that may be caused by it to Jessica Gerdel as owner of the portal, or to third parties with reason for its use.

You are informed that he may exercise, with respect to the data collected, the rights of access, rectification or cancellation of data and opposition. For this reason, you are informed that you can exercise these rights by means of a written and signed request that you can send, together with a copy of your ID or equivalent identification document, electronically to Jessica Gerdel.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility

The Provider does not grant any guarantee nor is it responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that could be caused by:

The lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the website or its services and content;
The existence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the contents;
The illicit, negligent, fraudulent use or contrary to this Legal Notice;
The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.

The provider is not responsible under any circumstances for damages that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

In general, the relations between Jessica Gerdel and the Users of its telematic services, present on this website, are subject to Austrian legislation and jurisdiction.

We will always be reachable: Our contact

In the event that any User has any questions about these General Conditions or any comments about the Website, please write to